Sunday, November 27, 2011

Floating....and giveaway

Ever feel like you're just floating along? Not doing the things most important to you or accomplishing anything? I wish that I could change things. Volunteer. Help. Make a difference. I'm vowing to start. It seems early to make a new years resolution.... but that needs to be mine. I used to have such a pure kind heart. Somehow through heartbreak and hurt i feel like i've lost myself and the person i was striving to become. Just a small difference would mean so much to me.
Just a thought.

I'm working on a Christmas giveaway with some of my favorite things.... Happening soon so stay tuned!


Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful for him....

I am so blessed to be spending my 2nd holiday season with my amazing boyfriend Justin. I love his style, his humor, and his heart. He is one of the kindest people I have ever met.

He's a little quirky, eccentric, and way fun!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

There. Is. An. Accessary. God.

I found this little beauty on sale for $79.99 at TJ MAXX.

It was on the lust list for Christmas retailing around $200. Boy did that make my Friday. Working the new job like crazy... Mom and I are headed to the Lou to shop Tuesday!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


My Grandfather passed away on 11-12-11. He lost his battle with cancer and his memory will always live on in our family. Today we went to the cremation. Probably one of the strangest things I've ever done. Probably the best closure I've ever had. Visitation is tomorrow... So many things to blog about. Promise I'll be back soon :)


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lifelong Musts.... Okay so maybe not lifelong

In absolutely no particular order these are the things that I cannot live without on a daily basis..... Ever. They are my basics to getting out the door on a busy morning in an hour.

The naked palet is one of the best I've ever seen. I was strictly a bare esscentials girl until I randomly saw this bad boy in a sephora and bought it on impulse.

Hello cheekbones! Highlight, highlight, highlight!

Nars ORGASM. Enough said. Best color out there.

Nars Laguna Bronzer. I wear it all year around and manages to always make me look natural.

HD Foundation for true coverage. Sometimes I cake it on. Sometimes I put it on so lightly you can't see it... But believe me it works miracles in photos.

Clinique: Something my mother uses. Except..... for this amazing invention. I tried it at her house one time and could not get enough... Especially in the cold months ahead!

Never dries my hair out. I really am a true Paul Mitchell believer. Now i don't use his shampoo and conditioner all the time but I buy it for my bf.... He seems to like it.


When I died my hair dark ( a horrible mistake) I wanted it back to blond. Its good now but to keep it healthy I go with this stuff. THe most amazing spray in conditioner ever. PS buy it now and I think you can still get it at WALMART in PINK for Breast cancer awareness month!

Hope You enjoy!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Prayers, Hospice, and Strikes

I've been busy lately. I can't remember the last time I truly prayed until this week. I have some big things happening in my life and you see, I know I can't do it alone. So I pray after being stubborn and thinking I can do it on my own I came to my senses and I've been on my knees ever since. I'm in the middle of a job change its very stressful. It came to me that I was praying but not preparing for God's gifts that would be given unto me. I wasn't fully trusting God with my heart. Sometimes I worry; I worry so much I make myself sick.... rather than trusting in God's plans for me.
After getting all that off my chest I feel selfish and guilty for not first mentioning my grandfather who started hospice care today. It's very hard to see it happen in our house, but he's ready and comfortable here.... He's always been one of those people with an old soul. They type who never say a foul thing about anyone and always go with the flow. Its so hard to see him and the rest of the family hurting at this time.
SIUC is officially dealing with a faculty strike as of today. If they do not come to a compromise in the next two weeks our whole semester will have been a waste and will not count. I feel so bad for all of the students out there stressing about that. I know I am.
I leave my current job on Tuesday and don't actually know whether I will have a new job. I'm still waiting on background and reference checks to go through at the new place. Its a very scary thought in this economy.
I want to leave one final note about the "Occupy" revolution across the country. I pray no more disputes break out. I pray for the damage that has been done. I pray for clarity in their hearts about their beliefs whatever they may be.